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Cercis siliquastrum

SKU 00373
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Cercis siliquastrum also known as the Judas tree is a lovely, slow growing deciduous, multi branched small tree or shrub, much prized for its spectacular spring floral display. Masses of pea like purple / rose flowers appear tight to the branches in spring, just before, or with the leaves, which emerge bronze/red and heart shaped, turning deep green as they mature. In late summer reddish / purple seed pods hang in multitudes from the branches before the leaves turn pale yellow into the autumn. It is reputed to be the tree which judas Iscariot hanged himself on, hence its name.

Grown in full sun to part shade in a well drained soil this small tree or shrub will steadily increase in size, although it can be kept to a required size by selective pruning in early Autumn.

Ht 4.5m x Sp 7.5m

supplied as chunky healthy shrubs grown in 3ltr pots ready to plant out

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Cercis siliquastrum
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