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Persicaria odorata (Vietnamese coriander)

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Known as the 'Vietnamese Coriander' these plants are a fascinating herb, a tender perennial which thrives outdoors from late spring to early autumn, you will have to move it into a frost free greenhouse or conservatory or even a kitchen window sill during the winter months. The foliage of this Asian favourite has narrow pointed leaves and purple markings. The leaves are very pungent, aromatic, limy & very spicy! so use only a little compared to normal coriander. Slice into strips to add to a salad, or chop finely over a Thai curry (sparingly mind) it can be added into the main dish for a zesty lime flavour.

Small white flowers are formed but its the leaves and herb use which is this plants biggest attribute, grow in sun to part shade in rich moist but drained soil and they will increase steadily into an arching mound shape. best in a nice pot.

Ht 1m x Sp 50cm

supplied as chunky healthy plants in 9cm pots ready to plant out

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