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This category contains our mix of ferns, grasses and flowering perennials all chosen to compliment each other in a dry soil in dappled to partial shade, such as under trees, or in the lee shadow of a house wall etc..

Time spent making the area weed free, plus the incorporation of some organic matter, compost etc will help get your plants off to a good start.

Keep well watered until the plants are established. In a dry soil, it is better to give the plants a thorough soak once a week rather than little and often, this encourages the roots to get down deeper to cope with the conditions. A mulch of chipped bark, or organic compost will help suppress weeds and retain moisture. Another tip if you are planting under trees over their root system which will use up any moisture, is to build up a layer of soil/compost of approx 3” so that the newly planted shade lovers have a chance to root into this layer before the tree roots take over.

Please note; certain plants may have “prefers a moist soil” stated on their labels, but we have found that the varieties we have selected can also cope with dry shade as long as the soil has been prepared and the plants are watered regularly in their first season to get them established.


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