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RHS Plants for Pollinators border collections

SKU 30031
19 available
Product Details

Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. One way gardeners can help is by planting garden flowers that provide forage for a wide variety of pollinating insects.

Our specially selected Pollinating plant collections will be carefully chosen from the range of plants, recommended by the RHS from their Plants for Pollinators lists as those varieties that are beneficial to pollinating insects.

Chosen from our 9cm plant stock well established varieties ready to plant out now.

The plants will prefer full sun in a moist but well drained soil, and need spacing at around 50-60cm from each other to cover an area of approx 5 sq metres for each 12 plant set and will be chosen from the following range of plants.

Agastache - Astrantia - Allium - Anemone -Anchusa- Anthemis -Acanthus- Aquilegia vulgaris - Campanula- Cephalaria- Coreopsis - Crocosmia- Cirsium - Digitalis - Erigeron - Echinacea - Eryngium - Echinops - Eupatorium- Geum - Geranium- Gypsophila- Hellebore - Helenium - Helianthus -Knautia - Kniphofia- Lythrum - Lysimachia- Lychnis- Nepeta - Nectaroscordum- Papaver - Penstemon - Perovskia atriplicifolia - Persicaria- Phlomis - Potentilla - Pulmonaria- Rudbeckia- Salvia - Sanguisorbia- Scabiosa- Silene- Thalictrum- Trifolium- Verbena bonariensis & Vanity - Verbascum - Veronicastrum -

RHS Plants for Pollinators. The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects. Find out more at

There are three Border sizes

Small covers 5 sq metres and contains 12 plants

Medium Covers 10 Sq Metres and contains 24 plants

Large Covers 15 Sq Metres and contains 36 plants

(The collection will also represent a saving over buying the plants individually). All the plants chosen will be fully labelled and you will receive an information pack to help guide you in the preparation, planting and maintenance aspects to provide a habitat for beneficial pollinating insects.

Check out our "Mail order service page" for details of our packaging and despatch policy.

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RHS Plants for Pollinators border collections
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