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Shade border Plant collections

SKU 02019
2 available
Product Details

Head Nurseryman and Gold medal winning planting designer Mike has conceived some border collections using his style of plants which take away the difficulty in choosing the right plants for the right place, and to guide in designing a specific look for your borders. The collection will also represent a saving over buying the plants individually.

This shady border 12 plant collection containing a mix of ferns, foliage effect perennials, grasses and flowering perennials all chosen to compliment each other & combining well with other woodland edge type plants will fill an area approx 5 Sq Metres with moist fertile & humus rich soil in dappled to partial shade. Plus a full colour, laminated A3 layout plan is included in the pack, to help you place your plants correctly into a border. along with detailed instructions of how to prepare the soil.

All chosen from our 9cm plant stock well established varieties ready to plant out now.

Each 12 plant set will contain a mix of 3 x Ferns, 3 x Grasses, 3 x large leaf shade lovers, Hostas etc, & 3 x flowering perennials. All varieties will be labelled and positioned on the plans supplied.

12 Plants will be carefully chosen from the following varieties.

Ferns : Adiantum, Asplenium, Athyrium, Blechnum, Cyrtomium, Dryopteris, Polystichum, Polyblepharum, Osmunda, Matteuccia,

Perennials: Alchemilla, Digitalis, Epimedium, Geranium, Geum, Gillenia, Hosta, Heuchera, Heucarella, Helleborus, Lythrum, Ligularia, Potentilla, Persicaria, Polygonatum, Rehmannia, Rodgersia, Selinum, Stachys, Tricyrtis, Thalictrum, Tellima,

Grasses: Anemanthele, Acorus, Carex, Chasmanthium, Deschampsia, Equisetum, Hakonecloa, Luzula, Millium, , Melica, Molinia, Sesleria,

There are three Border sizes

Small covers 5 sq metres and contains 12 plants

Medium Covers 10 Sq Metres and contains 24 plants

Large Covers 15 Sq Metres and contains 36 plants

There is also a cost saving on buying the plants in these collections rather than ordering singly.

A full colour, laminated A4 layout plan is included in the pack, to help you place your plants correctly into a border. along with detailed instructions of how to prepare the soil.

Check out our "Mail order service page" for details of our packaging and despatch policy.

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Shade border Plant collections
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